Replacing the Lighting Creek bridge

In the summer of 2022, MVTC coordinated replacing a 40-foot-long trail bridge on the multi-use Lightning Creek trail #425. The project was coordinated with the USFS Methow Valley Ranger District and with the support of several trails collaborative partner organizations.

Save a trail projects

Lewis Butte and Riser Lake were the focus of the 2018 and 2019 Save-A-Trail Projects. Located on WDFW Methow Wildlife Area land near Winthrop, these trails are popular destinations for runners, bikers, equestrians, and birdwatchers. Two hundred twenty volunteer days were committed to this project.

2018 Lewis Butte - An old jeep trail was decommissioned, and 2.7 miles of singletrack trail were re-routed to mitigate erosion problems and make the trail more accessible to all users. Trail work was completed in the spring of 2019.

2019 Riser Lake - .5 miles of trail was decommissioned, 1.5 miles of trail was brushed out, two water crossings were installed, and .5 miles of new trail was built.

2022 Driveway Butte- Collaborative Staff and volunteers cleared the blowdown from the 4.4-mile trail to the summit. Worked with volunteers to perform deferred tread maintenance on the climb and armor an eroding switchback.



With some funding from the Priority Area Status, additional donations, help from the Forest Service, and a lot of work, the Collaborative has established a tool cache in Winthrop which provides additional tools for all groups to use in trail maintenance.
